The 68th Annual Meeting of the European Section of the International College of Dentists is scheduled to take place in Salzburg, Austria, from 18th - 22nd June 2025. The conference…
67th Annual Meeting Ended
The 67th annual meeting of the European Section has finished. We trust that all attendees have a safe return journey home.
Welcome to Limassol!
The 67th European Section Annual Meeting starts today, 21st June 2024 - an opportunity to meet new and old friends.
I am Michael Thomas and am pleased to be taking over editing the ICD-Europe site. I have been editing the ICDigest for a couple of years now and have been…
ICDigest 2024 and goodbye from the Webmaster
Finally, everything is sorted, finished and tidied up. My job as webmaster of the European Section ends after 12 years with the final action of publishing the ICDigest 2024 on…
Annual St. Apollonia’s Day conference in Riga
The Latvian Dental Association has a good tradition of holding a solemn meeting on the International Day of Dentists, which is celebrated on the day of St. Apollonia. This year…