
The International Council is the governing body of the International College of Dentists also refer to as the “College”.

The day to day business and affairs of the College is conducted by the Central Office of the College.

The Officers of the College consist of the the International President, President Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and Editor. See

European Section, also known as Section V

There are currently sixteen Districts in the European Section of the ICD representing 34 countries.

A Regent is responsible for a country or groups of countries that make up one of the Districts within the European Section. Many of the Districts organize annual District meetings.

The Officers of the Section comprise the President, the President Elect, the Vice President, the Immediate Past President, the Registrar, the Treasurer, and the Editor.

The European Section has the right of three votes in the International Council and can send three Councilmen as active representatives.

The Board of Regents meets twice a year with the President of the year as Chair. All Officers and Regents are full voting members of the Board. Past Presidents. Treasurers and Editors may attend but are not entitled to vote.

Download : Constitution and By-laws of the European Section