The conference of the International College of Dentists (ICD) for the Moldova/Ukraine subdistrict of District 15 of the European Section was held on September 10 in Chisinau (Moldova). This global organization is dedicated to promoting dental excellence and ethics. The presence of ICD members at the conference highlighted the importance of professional considerations in the context of digital dentistry.
Professor Norina Forna (Romania) as Regent represents District 14 and its place in the European family of members of the International College of Dentists.
Presentation of the ICD Flag to Diana Uncuta as a confirmation of the powers of the Vice-regent of District 15 in the Republic of Moldova.
Presidium of the ICD conference (from left to right) – Valeriu Fala (Moldova), Norina Forna (Romania), Diana Uncuta and Dorin Istrati (Moldova), Yulia Cherepinska (Ukraine), and on the screen the meeting at the European ICD Conference in Amsterdam.